Saturday, October 25, 2014

Interesting library news -October

I am falling a little behind on my reading this week (don't worry I have some cool books to review very soon) so in an effort to keep to my twice a week posting  schedule I am rounding up some of the best library-related stories of the week.

1. Who would have thought that even the Vatican could get in on the digitization bandwagon.

2. Think libraries will soon go the way of the dodo? Thing again. This article explores how libraries are competing in the digital age.

3.  Want to get the latest or special kitchen gadgets for your kitchen. Have no fear, there is a new lending library based in Toronto

4.I am not sure how I feel about this story considering the myriad issues that our library has with just a vending machine. The board of trustees narrowly approved for a bar and restaurant to encroach into the rear patio of this library.

5. I am passionate about access to various books covering all sorts of themes so I am miffed taht according to this report some of the more frequently challenged books are those covering issues of poverty and social class.

6. Finally Denver Public Library's Western History and Genealogy department has a channel on youtube and this week they uploaded footage featuring survivors of the Battle of Little Bighorn. The recording was from the early 20th century and featured actual survivors and not actors.

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