What a year it has been! There have been highs and lows but overall I have grown and learned so much. The past few weeks have shown me that there is so much to do in terms of people getting to know about other cultures. I think that one way we can do that is through finding books that speak about cultures and experiences that are different to our own.
Early on Saturday morning someone sent me a
link to the best off books compiled by the Center for the Study of Multicultural Children's Literature (CSMCL). I am ashamed to say that I have not read as many on this list as I should have. Kwame Alexander's
Booked made the list and if you liked his 2015 Newbery-award-winning
Crossover, this is a good follow up and deals with similar issues that middle graders will enjoy.
Jason Alexander's
All-American Boys was stirring and timely and I am glad to say that my library system will be one of the stops next year on his book tour/talk. He has two middle grade books on the CSMCL list as well;
As Brave as You which deals with two boys who spend summer in Virginia and discover that their grandfather is blind and another called
Ghost which sees four kids from various backgrounds brought together on an elite track team that could see them qualify for a major competition if they can get their acts together.
Tis the season for best of lists and another that I found worth sharing is from Kirkus Reviews. They have best picture books to make you, but I want to share the Best Picture Books about Friends and Community. Yes, some of the books in this list. Check out their best of middle grade list
In terms of music I have recently come across a few cds that contain tracks that can be used in dance parties, story times and the like. When my kids were younger Putumayo's "
Sesame Street Playground" cd was on heavy rotation as we traversed our city. With songs in languages as diverse as Hindi, Russian and Hebrew I found that even though for some songs I did not understand a word, the beat was so catchy that it didn't matter. As a matter of fact Putumayo has a treasure trove of cds with great music from across the globe!
Feel free to add your own best of books and/or music in the comments and have a great holiday season!!